동백반 2주차 읽기 숙제-두루 책방 읽기


Lingt is unable to access your microphone.

The reason for this is an error of type PermissionDeniedError. To fix this, try refreshing the page, ensure that a microphone is connected to your computer, or allow audio permission if it was previously denied.

If problems persist, please contact us at support@lingt.com for help.

Lingt needs to use your microphone.

Click "Allow" and check "Remember" and then click the "Close" button.

두루 책방 2단계 '우리 가족'을 먼저 잘 듣고, 다운로드 한 후 직접 읽어서 녹음해 주세요. 제출할 때 한글 이름을 써 주세요. 
Required if you would like to receive feedback from your teacher.