WIDA Reading Practice - Grades 2-3


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Question 1

How are Michael and Sofia helping their mom? 
1. By making some pottery
2. By working in the yeard
3. By doing homework
Question 2
What is Michael's job when helping with the yardwork?

A. Watering the plants
B. Painting the fence
C. Washing the dog
Question 3
What does Sofia hope to buy along with her new bike?
1. A radio
2. A cool sticker
3. A purple basket
Question 4

What does mom do first?
A. Writes the list and shops for groceries
B. Pays the babysitter
C. Walks the dog
Question 5

What does Carlos' little sister, Alma, help their dad with?
1. Going grocery shopping
2. Setting the table
3. Washing the dishes
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