Notre vocabulaire


Lingt is unable to access your microphone.

The reason for this is an error of type PermissionDeniedError. To fix this, try refreshing the page, ensure that a microphone is connected to your computer, or allow audio permission if it was previously denied.

If problems persist, please contact us at for help.

Lingt needs to use your microphone.

Click "Allow" and check "Remember" and then click the "Close" button.

1.  The foreign woman can go anywhere and communicate well.
2.  It's forbidden to be a sophomore when you're 8 years old.
3.  We hate the back-to-school time because we can no longer sleep any old time.
4.  Anyone can enter through the window because it's not closed.
5.  The foreign mouse has a job, but he wants to work with politics.
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