We're possessed!


Lingt is unable to access your microphone.

The reason for this is an error of type PermissionDeniedError. To fix this, try refreshing the page, ensure that a microphone is connected to your computer, or allow audio permission if it was previously denied.

If problems persist, please contact us at support@lingt.com for help.

Lingt needs to use your microphone.

Click "Allow" and check "Remember" and then click the "Close" button.

Remember the rules in French for possession:  You can't use an apostrophe to show ownership, like we do in English.  "John's dog," has to be "the dog of John," in French:  le chien de Jean.

Practice using this structure:

1.  Macy's friend likes to sing.
2.  I love to speak with Javon's sister.
3.  He wants to dance with Stella.
4.  You must walk to Star's house.
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